CapnoTrainer GO Personal Cellphone Tablet App only Bluetooth


GO Personal works with an application on mobile phones and tablets. Watch your breathing while exercising, working and socializing. See when and where the breath is opposed to the breath and what disadvantages it brings. Learn about breathing from a habit perspective, not a technical perspective, and the role it can play in performance issues like performance anxiety. Users have a personal cloud account to view session data results and download them as PDF files. Text and audio notes and screenshots are automatically added to the sessions..


GO Personal is for everyone who wants to learn about their breathing habits, eliminate self-defeating habits and learn new habits that optimize breathing to improve health and performance. GO Personal is designed to help you explore your breathing behavior, habits and habits. Does your breathing match your breathing or does it interfere with your breathing at certain times and places, such as in social situations? If so, what are the accompanying symptoms and/or deficits, such as brain fog? What are the specific triggers for this, how to do a test? All breathing patterns are unconscious solutions: are you aware of how they can serve you? How can you learn to deconstruct, transform and learn new ways to optimize your breathing? For this, GO Personal comes with a digital version of the book CapnoLearning: An Introductory Guide (Spiritual Patterns, Optimal Breathing and Acid-Base Physiology), which teaches you how to find answers to such questions.

GO Personal is battery powered, Bluetooth, portable, light
(185 grams), small (fits in your pocket) and almost silent (small ticking sound). It works on tablets and i-pads, Android and i-phones, and when Option C is purchased on PCs and Apple computers. GO Personal connects to most third-party HRV Bluetooth devices, such as the Polar Belt, and provides HRV monitors and respiratory physiology.


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